November 14, 2014

Irish Soda Bread

Irish Soda Bread recipe

Irish Soda Bread

1/2 cup butter

3 tablespoons lemon juice

1/2 tablespoon dried rosemary

1 cup half and half

4 cups Gold Medal Self Rising Flour

1 1/2 tsp baking soda

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon black pepper

In a medium bowl, combine the melted butter, lemon juice, rosemary and half and half. Whisk a few seconds; set aside. In large bowl, combine dry ingredients and add butter mixture. Stir gently, scraping the sides and bottom until just combined. Turn out onto floured surface and gently finish combining by hand. Divide into two equal pieces and shape into flat rounds. (It can sit for a bit if while you do kitchen clean up and your oven pre-heats.) Bake at 350 for 30 minutes or until slightly golden. An inserted toothpick should come out clean and a light knock on top should have a hollow sound.

* Try making this with browned butter. I did in one version it was ah-mazing! The bread had a nutty, richer taste to it. You just simmer the butter in a medium saucepan, about 15 minutes, until it turns brown and froths a bit. Just be patient. And beware: brown butter is addictive!

-Recipe from the Blue Ribbon Group